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If your looking for a company that does Window Repairs in Weymouth then look no futher, Bosworth Glass & Window Repairs Weymouth repair all makes of uPVC windows and uPVC doors we even repair Conservatory Roofs, French Doors, Front Doors, Patio Doors and much more....

uPVC Window and Dor Repairs Weymouth

Sealed Units Replaced


uPVC Window Handles

uPVC Window and Door Repairs Weymouth and Portland

Sliding Hinge Repaired

uPVC Window an Door Rapairs Weymouth and Portland
uPVC Window and Door Repairs Weymouth

Replacement uPVC Door Handles

uPVC Window and Door Lock repairs Weymouth, Double Glazing Repairs Weymouth

uPVC Door Lock Repairs

uPVC Window and Door Repairs Weymouth

Cat Flaps Installed Into Glass

Replacement Locking Mechanisms

uPVC Window and Door Repairs Weymouth, Window Lock Repair Weymouth and Portland
uPVC Window and Door Repairs Weymouth, Replacement Glass Double Glazed

Coloured Stained Glass Replaced

Bosworth Glass & Window Repairs Weymouth repair uPVC Door Locks, Handles and Sealed Units, uPVC Window Locks,Handles and Sealed Units, Broken Window Hinges, Stays and Catches, we replace broken Letterboxes to Doors, we install Catflaps into Double Glazed Units and uPVC Panels, If your Sealed Units have Misted Up, Blown or have Condensation between the glass panes we can repair and replace Double Glazed Units in Weymouth and Portland quickly and easily.

Replacement uPVC Window Locking Mechanisms

Replacement uPVC Window Locking Mechanisms

Below is a rusted up locking mechanism to a window that had seized up in Portland, Dorset. We replaced the locking mechanism with a new mechansim that had a much better salt air resistance to the weather we have in Weymouth and Portland .


So if your having problems with your uPVC Double Glazing Locking Mechanisms or Handles, call Bosworth Glass Weymouth for Window Repairs in Weymouth and Portland, Dorset.

uPVC Window Lock Repairs Weymouth
Double Glazed uPVC Window Locking Mechanism Repairs Weymouth and Portland

Replacement uPVC Window Hinges and Stays

Below is a uPVC Window Hinge we replaced in Weymouth due to the hinges being rusted and worn the window opening did not close on the window seales leaving a large gap in the window. This caused the room to be very cold as the gap let the cold air in and the heat out causing this window to be cold and draughty. We replaced these window hinges with new type Egress Fire Escape hinges as this window opening was in a bedroom window.


These window hinges open at 90 degrees so you can easily get out of the window in and emergency situation. The window after the new hinges are installed has no gap and is air tight again. The bedroom is now a much more comfortable room and has no draughts.


Worn and Broken uPVC Window and Door Hinges and Stays replaced in Weymouth and Portland
uPVC Window Hinge Replaced in Weymouth and Portland

So if your Window Hinges on your uPVC Windows are broken, worn or has a gap that is letting in draughts and dirt, call The Window Doctor for Window Repairs in Weymouth and Portland, Dorset today! Quotes are free of charge.

Replacement Blown/Foggy/Condensated Sealed Units

Below is a large Blown, Failed and Misted Double Glazed Unit in a uPVC Window in Weymouth we replaced, the Sealed Double Glazed Unit had Condesation between the glass panes causing the glass to misted up and appear foggy.


We replaced the glass and not the whole window saving this customer hundreds of pounds as another company insisted the uPVC window needed to be replaced! This is not the case.

We check the Gaskets and Seals on the Glazing and if they need to be replaced we do so, as Glazing Gaskets and seals can be damaged and shrunken over time letting in Draughts and water causing the Sealed Units to Fail and Misted up.


We also install Bridge Packers at the bottom for the Glass for the Sealed Double Glazed Unit to sit on, these allow any water getting into the frame to drain under the glass and out the drainage wholes on the uPVC Window Frame. We often see the Glass Sealed Double Glazed Units on no packers or solid packers when replacing Sealed Units in Weymouth and Portland, this causes any water getting into the uPVC Window Frame to stay within the Window Frame and blocking the drainage wholes. This will lead to your Glass Sealed Units Failing over time.



Misted/Foggy/Blown/Condensated Double Glazing Repairs Weymouth and Portland

So if you have a Blown, failed or Misted Double Glazed Unit in Weymouth or Portland call Bosworth Glass for expert Window repairs in Weymouth and Portland, Dorset. For A Free Quote Call Kevin

Replacement Window/Door Seals and Gaskets

If your uPVC Double Glazing has worn, damaged or shrunken seals/gaskets this could result in draughts, outside noise and water ingress into the windows and doors and dirt and insects creeping through not to mention valuable heat escaping.

We can in most curcumstances replace the seals and gaskets so your windows will be draught free and retain the heating again. We have replaced many window seals and gaskets to doors to windows in Weymouth and Portland for our customers.

NewuPVC Window and Door Seals and Gaskets in Weymouth and Portland
uPVC Window and Door Seals/gaskets/rubbers Weymouth and Portland

For a free quote for seals and gaskets replacements to uPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors in Weymouth and Portland give us a call today!

Replacement uPVC Door Locks/Keys/Handles & Adjustments

If your uPVC Door is hard to lock or close then call us to adjust it before it causes  more damage resulting in the lock to wear or even fail. Its usually a cheap adjustment if you call us quickly and dont leave it until the lock is damaged.

We stock and carry Locking Mechanisms for most uPVC Doors so if yours has failed and seized up we can replace it quickly and easily.

Handles also wear over time and get very loose or even fall apart, not to worry we have these in stock so we can replace uPVC door handles with minium of fuss.


uPVC Door Lock Repair Weymouth and Portland
Door Lock Repair Weymouth and Portland

For a free quote for replacement uPVC Doors Locks/Handles or Adjustments in Weymouth and Portland, Call Us Today!

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